Knees prehensile, wente compelling like a crick, crack in a bone, my appetite low from epochs spent day or deep dreaming, I drift beneath and o’er stars splay stalks of singing calling this Beringia. Strange newness of an old foe.
Knees prehensile, wente compelling like a crick, crack in a bone, my appetite low from epochs spent day or deep dreaming, I drift beneath and o’er stars splay stalks of singing calling this Beringia. Strange newness of an old foe.
Gale to churn to chop, My book and I are reading. Wordes wind sown in telling lines overlapping crop of vibrant matter Togederstiring tending perpendicular ideas stripe the page with sleep glare pictures behind the eyes. A sea floor reborn by glacial maximum (last) as landmass, scenario, theoretic morn. Wireframe tundra, story-and-simulation, x-cosahedra respawn around me crackling in my ear as I approach Grounded in theory, or poised for motivation I navigate as if here, as if reverie were hardscape. My palm acknowledges the forb’s guild, its pattern a psalm. Obviously dangerous, this reading material. I forage take up habit eat inflorescence. I have a whorled tongue in its presence. Piled syrup. Imported meaning yields a certain attitude flavorful thinking. I take up a position in the world of my begats. In that confusion I run my hands through the air, transparency without folds, and separation spreads obscurity. Meanwhile, the self-same gesture a turbidity agitates, intermingling with and outlining the world. Phosphorescent trails cloud the air with shafted light and groping now as if trapped, heat under my nails, I experience miracles of expression, some belonging sense making me recipient of that institution (S)peech. Lampfooted stranger, glowing with intromission, viscous alien, viscid curse, god heard closer, not news, mother tongue. The world stutters, slurs in nouns, What will I become? Bridge built backwards, upsodounne, Victim of the rising seas?
Gale to churn to chop, My book and I are reading. Wordes wind sown in telling lines overlapping crop of vibrant matter Togederstiring tending perpendicular ideas stripe the page with sleep glare pictures behind the eyes. A sea floor reborn by glacial maximum (last) as landmass, scenario, theoretic morn. Wireframe tundra, story-and-simulation, x-cosahedra respawn around me crackling in my ear as I approach Grounded in theory, or poised for motivation I navigate as if here, as if reverie were hardscape. My palm acknowledges the forb’s guild, its pattern a psalm. Obviously dangerous, this reading material. I forage take up habit eat inflorescence. I have a whorled tongue in its presence. Piled syrup. Imported meaning yields a certain attitude flavorful thinking. I take up a position in the world of my begats. In that confusion I run my hands through the air, transparency without folds, and separation spreads obscurity. Meanwhile, the self-same gesture a turbidity agitates, intermingling with and outlining the world. Phosphorescent trails cloud the air with shafted light and groping now as if trapped, heat under my nails, I experience miracles of expression, some belonging sense making me recipient of that institution (S)peech. Lampfooted stranger, glowing with intromission, viscous alien, viscid curse, god heard closer, not news, mother tongue. The world stutters, slurs in nouns, What will I become? Bridge built backwards, upsodounne, Victim of the rising seas?
A sea floor reborn by glacial maximum (last) as landmass, scenario, theoretic morn. Wireframe tundra, story-and-simulation, x-cosahedra respawn around me crackling in my ear as I approach
A sea floor reborn by glacial maximum (last) as landmass, scenario, theoretic morn. Wireframe tundra, story-and-simulation, x-cosahedra respawn around me crackling in my ear as I approach